
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of
Charlie Chaplin

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vote for Mark Sanford - Yes - Again!

The proof is in the pudding – Show me the money – I believe it when I see it…we’ve all heard these before, especially in connection with anyone in Politics. In today’s political climate, finding a politician who has influenced one’s life in a positive way seems near impossible. Yet, Mark Sanford has done just that for me. 
A few years ago I passed my South Carolina motorcycle test and wanted to add that proudly earned “M” to my driver’s license. Since I am not a U.S. citizen, I had to go to a specific DMV to have this done. There, a not too friendly receptionist informed me that I needed to show a federally issued ID, specifically my Social Security Card, to get my new license. Since my husband is retired from the U.S. Navy, I had my depended ID card on me – which is a Federally issued document!  Apparently, this was not good enough, even though it has my picture on it, which a Social Security card does not. The absurdity of the situation prompted me to write to the governor’s office and complain. I had myself served several years in the U.S. Army, and in my email stated that it had been easier to join the U.S. Military than it was to change a driver’s license – which had already been issued in this state. Truthfully, I never thought I would hear from them…when, much to my surprise, within one day I received a note from then Governor Sanford’s office assuring me that they had contacted the supervisor of the DMV and if I would go back, my federally issued military ID would absolutely be honored to get my driver’s license changed. For me, the proof was in the pudding!  Governor Sanford, through his office, positively influenced, what was a very emotional situation, for someone who can’t even vote for him.
In the next few weeks you will hear a lot about Mark Sanford’s conservative ideology, how he was ranked the most fiscally conservative Governor in America by the CATO institute, and that he was the first Governor in America to formally reject the federal stimulus funds, all things I can firmly stand behind and appreciate.  But, what really is important to me is that he is one man who will help out a person living in his state, without asking for more taxes or asking for my vote; there is no “Quid pro Quo” to his political agenda – and that is why everyone should vote for him again!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Impressions of the RNC

RNC?  If you do not know what that stands for, LEAVE THE COUNTRY!  You would have to live under a rock to not know by now that RNC stands for Republican National Convention - it's the party where Republicans decide who they want to run against the President.  You know - 3 months - Election - ring a bell?

Boy, ignorance really get's my goat. I can't believe how many people have no clue what is going on at present in their own country. But they are all talking about who they're going to vote for. REALLY?  What criteria are you using to make this decision?  Beaves & Butthead?


Sorry, had to vent - too much ignorance is bad for my health.

Monday, August 6, 2012

What do You do for a living?

I often struggle with an answer to this question. I do not find it easy to explain what I do. I am a facilitator and instructor for Lean Manufacturing.  What? Is that manufacturing for skinny people? Well, no.
Lean refers to many activities that are designed to decrease Lead Time, the time it takes from order placement to order fulfillment. In order to decrease that time, waste inherent to a process has to be identified and eliminated, or at least decreased. There is a lot of waste in just about any process! Too much inventory, excessive inspection, unnecessary washing processes, unclear transportation routes, unnecessary handling, those are all examples of waste. They may be necessary in the current process; Lean practitioners try to find ways to eliminate these wastes and create leaner future processes.
It is very interesting work. No two processes are ever identical, and my job is never boring.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Anticipation Lost

I don't play sports. I barely watch sports on TV. The Olympics has always been an exception to that for my husband and for me. We love watching the opening ceremonies and the swimming, gymnastics, and diving events. Most of the time, watching these events "live" is not an option due to the various time zones the games are played in. We'd come home, and while eating dinner, we would watch all of our favorite events, and sometimes even the ones where most people would ask: "That is in the Olympics?" It's all good, and the athletes are awesome.
Now we have YouTube, texting, and instand messaging, and we have somehow lost the delicious feeling of anticipation that comes when we wait for something we really enjoy. We no longer need to wait to find out if the U.S. has triumphed again, or if our favorite gymnast or boxer has made it through their routine. All information is available almost immediately. Sad, really.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, Monday

I swear that there are NOT 24 hours in Saturday or Sunday!  Where does a weekend go? But, I guess without a Monday we would not have a Friday, and I oh so love when Friday is at hand. My husband let me ride his brand new Harley Davidson Street Glide yesterday. Granted, I had to stay in the subdivision, but it was great fun nevertheless. I might have to borrow it here and there (he's not convinced...).
I will be teaching our standard "Introduction to Lean Manufacturing" class over the next three days; it is usually an interesting class, but it does take a lot out of me physically and mentally. It is not a complaint...I love my job. It is never boring and I work with some great people.

I wish everyone a great week - just remember - Thursday is Friday Eve, and Friday is just around the corner.