
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of
Charlie Chaplin

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, Monday

I swear that there are NOT 24 hours in Saturday or Sunday!  Where does a weekend go? But, I guess without a Monday we would not have a Friday, and I oh so love when Friday is at hand. My husband let me ride his brand new Harley Davidson Street Glide yesterday. Granted, I had to stay in the subdivision, but it was great fun nevertheless. I might have to borrow it here and there (he's not convinced...).
I will be teaching our standard "Introduction to Lean Manufacturing" class over the next three days; it is usually an interesting class, but it does take a lot out of me physically and mentally. It is not a complaint...I love my job. It is never boring and I work with some great people.

I wish everyone a great week - just remember - Thursday is Friday Eve, and Friday is just around the corner.


  1. Good Morning Barbarb:

    Your blog made me smile on this early morning! So thanks for that. I see you have been playing with your post and I hope to figure out how to do more with with my blog. So thanks for the inspiration. Love your new baby...who doesn't love a new car! So I'm trying to grasp your "topic sentence" or the essence of your blog and I'm thinking its "my life". Are you looking to connect with others who are wanting to connect and chat? I do have one question, I still am not sure I understand "lean" so it would help me greatly is I could understand your work better. I find your blogs balanced and visually appealing. Appreciate the pictures, the quotes, favorite links and feeling like i know you better.

    1. Thanks Chris, "my life" may sum it up nicely. I like to write about things that make me happy or that make me think. I appreciate your question about my work and will try to post something about that over this weekend.

  2. Barbara, your blog is looking fantastic and it is really putting mine to shame. Some of the things that I really enjoy about your blog is the wittiness of your post titles and that I get a sense of your personality through the smaller posts. It is also very nice to have information about you on the side of the page and its definitely something that I will be stealing.

    The entire blog is very readable and I don't find myself struggling to read the posts. The only thing I can think of is perhaps a way to bring more prominence to your class-required posts. They are on the side as separate pages and at first I was thinking that they weren't on the blog at all. Maybe by renaming "Pages" to something else and adding images there, more attention would be called to it so they would jump out on a first read-thru. Beyond that it is great!

    1. Thanks Robert! I took your advice and renamed the pages heading ....I do not want my entire blog to revolve around my school work; my plan is to keep it up, and maybe expand it, after graduation.
